Equine Services
Wellness care-"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" Thatsaying holds true for horses also. As part of our routine care weprovide vaccinations, deworming, Coggins testing, and dental care. Atthe time of service we can discuss any issues you may have with yourhorse including nutritional needs, training programs, geriatric care,etc.. Time of need care-We offer care for your horse in case of medicalcolic, sickness, lameness, injury, metabolic problems, or chronicillness. We are equipped to provide intravenous fluids and mostlaboratory results are obtained within 24 hours. Emergency care for ourregular clients is provided on a 24 hour basis. Pre-purchase examinations- An extensive physical examination,lameness evaluation, neurologic examination, and drug screen is offeredby us prior to purchasing a horse. The information gathered is used bythe prospective buyer and/or agent to determine whether the horse willbe servicable for it's intended use. The exam often includes laboratorytesting, digital radiographs, endoscopy, and ultrasound exams. Senior care- Aged horses can have sub-clinical health care issuesthat can be identified and treated before they become a problem. If your horse is over 15 years of age we recommend a complete physicalexamination and blood testing to establish baseline values. Lameness examination- Evaluate the locomotion of your horse. We use a variety of techniques to identify the source(s) of lameness includingphysical examination and palpation, flexion tests, and joint and nerveblocks. Digital radiography, ultrasound, and laboratory tests help us to further evaluate the source of your horse's lameness. Surgery-Standing or recumbent surgery of the horse is performed forcastration, biopsy and laceration repair. More complicated proceduresmay be referred to a specialist. Specialized procedures: Ultrasonography-uses sound waves to evaluate soft tissues liketendons and ligaments, reproductive organs, lumps, and tumors. It ispainless and non-invasive. Endoscopy-utilizes a fiber optic device for evaluating the upperairway of the horse, including the larynx, sinuses and guttural pouches. The trachea and upper esophagus can also be examined with this flexible device. Useful in prepurchase examinations, pneumonias, or reactiveairway disease. Tonometry-is a procedure that measures the intraocular pressure of the eyeball and is useful in detecting glaucoma and uveitis.
Dentistry Horses need regular preventive dental maintenance every six months to oneyear. Unlike people, horses' teeth have an eruption rate of two-three mm per year. The teeth should wear in correspondence to yearly eruptionrate. Malocclusions, or improper position of the teeth, can lead to many health issues and behavioral problems. Identifying dental problems as early as possible is important. There are several factors that come into play at a young age that might increase treatment needed, or make a remedy even possible: loss of food while eating; eats hay before his grain; grainin water bucket; difficulty chewing or excess salivation; loss of bodycondition; large undigested food particles in manure larger than onequarter inch; head tilting or tossing; bit chewing; tongue lolling;tries to rear while bridling; fighting the bit or resisting the bridal;bucking or failing to stop or turn; foul odor from the mouth ornostrils; traces of blood in the mouth; or nasal discharge or swellingof the face. Other horses may not show noticeable signs, because theyjust simply adapt to their discomfort.
Vaccinations Vaccines are preparations of killedmicroorganisms, living weakened microorganisms, etc. introduced into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease by causing the formation of antibodies. Vaccines are very delicate compounds, which if handled or administered incorrectly will be ineffective or neutralized. Vaccines are administered initially as a two-shot series and then annually or semiannually. The vaccines and vaccine protocolslisted below are tailored to our practice and geographic location andfollow the guidelines of the AAEP.
Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis: Encephalomyelitis is caused by a virus, which is transmitted bymosquitoes. The virus causes inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. The vaccine is very effective against the disease. The protection lasts 6 months, therefore we recommend administrating the vaccine twice ayear(semiannually). Tetanus Toxoid: Tetanus is adisease caused by a specific toxin of a bacillus (Clostridiumtetani)which usually enters the body through wounds. It is characterized by spasmodic contractions and rigidity of some or all of the voluntarymuscles (especially of the jaw, face and neck). The bacteria is found in horse manure. The vaccine is very effective and administered onceyearly. The vaccine is boostered in case of laceration, surgery, orpenetrating wounds. West Nile Virus: West Nile virus is transmitted by mosquitoes. The virus causes inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. Because Long Island has a long mosquito season and the vaccine protection lasts 6-7 months, we recommend semiannualvaccination. Horses that travel to Florida should be boostered 2 weeksbefore travelling. Veterinarians in problem areas vaccinate 2-4 x peryear. Rhinopneumonitis:Rhinopneumonitis is a herpes virus which causes respiratory infections,abortions, and inflammation of the spinal cord. The vaccine is not 100% effective and the protection only lasts 10-12 weeks. Pregnant maresshould be vaccinated at 3.5, 7 and 9 months from the breeding date.Horses that are traveling to shows, races, sales, etc. should bevaccinated every 3 months. Pleasure horses that do not travel should bevaccinated twice a year. The vaccine does not protect against theneurologic form of the disease. Influenza: Influenza is a virusthat causes high fever and respiratory infection. The vaccine is not100% effective, and the protection lasts only 10-12 weeks. Horsestraveling to shows, sales, racing events, etc..should be vaccinatedevery 3 months. Horses that do not travel should be vaccinated at leasttwice a year. Strangles: Strangles is abacterial disease caused by Streptococcus equi. It is highly contagiousand causes the following signs: high fever, abscessed lymph nodes,andrespiratory infection. Horses may develop guttural pouch infections,sinus infections, purpura hemorrhagica, laryngeal paralysis, and bastard strangles. There is an intranasal vaccine which is more effective thanthe intramuscular vaccine. The vaccine is given once a year except inendemic barns( that have frequent outbreaks) where semiannualvaccination is recommended.